Premier Biomedical, Inc. |
February 17, 2014 Issue |
The Most Powerful Name In Corporate News and Information |
Developing Cures for Debilitating Illnesses |
http://www.premierbiomedical.com |
P.O. 25
Jackson Center, PA 16133
Interview conducted by: Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor, CEOCFO Magazine, Published – February 17, 2014
CEOCFO: What is the focus today at Premier Biomedical? Mr. Hartman: We have had a large number of positive developments in the last year. We conducted tests of our breast cancer treatment versus chemotherapy in mice, and we duplicated that test. Quite frankly, it is stunning to see the results in actual pictures. We obviously cannot show you those pictures over a telephone interview, nor can we do that for legal reasons. At any rate, our tests indicated that we were extremely successful. First of all, we conducted tests on three groups of test mice, including a control group with no remediation just to see how serious the disease would become without any form of treatment. These tests were conducted with white mice, so the results would be clearly visible. The control group mice developed huge, black lesions all over their undersides. Obviously, pictures were taken after the mice were euthanized under the direct supervision of veterinarians to make sure the test mice did not suffer.
The next group of test mice was given chemotherapy five days after being injected with breast cancer, and again at day 11. This group was also given minor doses of chemo in their water to simulate normal chemo treatment of human patients with breast cancer. This group of chemo-treated mice lost weight as a normal result of chemo treatment where normal uninfected cells are destroyed along with cancerous cells. At the conclusion of the test, the chemo group of mice developed huge black cancer legions on their undersides that were every bit as ugly as the un-remediated control group. Even worse, breast cancer in the chemo group of mice was observed to have metastasized on their internal organs –lungs, heart, and liver.
The third group of test mice, also injected with breast cancer on day zero, same as the other two groups, was given remediation with our patent-pending molecular breast cancer treatment only once on day five. At the conclusion of the test, the white hairs had grown back and there was no visible trace of cancer, and, more importantly, no cancer metastasis. In a subset of the Premier Biomedical treated mice successfully cured by our medication, we attempted to subsequently reintroduce breast cancer into the mice. When the subsequently introduced breast cancer died, we concluded that we might have been successful in manipulating the immune system to in fact resist breast cancer This was stunning in that our procedure was observed to not only be a potential cure for pre-existing cancer, but a possible preventive against subsequent bouts of breast cancer. That was a huge and promising test result. Obviously more testing is required to validate these preliminary findings.
CEOCFO: Would you tell us about the remediation? What is happening with your treatment? Mr. Hartman: Our treatment is completed outside the body; extra-corporeal is the correct term. With our extra-corporeal process, there is considerably less danger of drug-bodily interaction. We remove the pathophysiologic basis of the disease by intermolecular interaction completed outside of the body. We extract the molecular compounds that are the life force of the disease, and we do that outside the body. We then put the bodily fluid-- whether it is blood for blood-borne diseases or cerebral spinal fluid for neurologic diseases-- back into the patient’s body minus the molecular compounds that were the life force of the disease. This is truly a revolutionary medical technology.
CEOCFO: What was the challenge in the concept, as well as the execution? Mr. Hartman: The concept is direct in theory, but is a challenge to achieve. We are not the only company that has worked in this area, but we believe that we will ultimately be more successful when the entirety of our technology is considered. The antibodies themselves, which enable the disease antigens to be extracted, are also proprietary. The inventor of this technology is Dr. Mitchell Felder, a board-certified neurologist who correctly diagnosed and successfully treated my wife of a disease that had eluded other doctors in four states for many years.
In our process, there is a patent-pending machine involved. We are in the process of building this machine and the patent-pending components and sensors as we speak. This machine is an integral part of our process and will be key to the treatment of both blood-borne diseases, such as cancer, as well as neurologic diseases via the processing of cerebral spinal fluid.
In addition to curing neurologic diseases, we are attempting to use this technology to cure Traumatic Brain Injuries caused by external stimuli, sports participation, or accidents. The National Football League recently awarded $765 million dollars because of traumatic brain injuries resulting in neurologic diseases and related problems in NFL players. Subsequent to this proposed agreement, a judge just recently threw that agreement out as inadequate and decreed that the NFL had to cover some 20,000 NFL players for 65 years! A measure of the severity of this problem of Traumatic Brain Injury, also referred to as Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, is shown by some shocking statistics from the Veterans Administration, where they reported that almost one active-duty person per day commits suicide as a result of this affliction! As shocking as that number of active-duty suicides is, the VA also reported that almost one veteran per hour, 24 hour per day, 365 days per year commits suicide as a result of TBI. The individuals so afflicted suffer with unrelenting headaches and depression, and no quantity of drugs, counseling, or pain killers can eliminate the suffering. This culminates in either suicide or violence ideation, including homicide.
CEOCFO: You had been working on that with one of your R&D partners prior to this publicity. Why was there the forethought to work in that area? How have you decided where to focus? Mr. Hartman: Our technology can be applied to many diseases. We desired to partner with the Army because we knew we would be thoroughly vetted. The Department of Defense vetted us for almost three years after we made initial application to them for partnership before they signed an agreement with us. Number two; it gives us access to their unlimited technical capabilities. Number three; they are experienced in conducting clinical trials. They are also experienced in petitioning approval from the FDA. We collectively selected Traumatic Brain Injury as an absolute must target for our joint efforts. Secondly, we picked several other very highly visible diseases that afflict mankind -- we wanted one for blood, so we picked breast cancer. Breast cancer is a huge cause of death in the world. There are almost four billion women in the world facing the specter of dying from an agonizing and disfiguring death. It is just a terrible disease and it gets a lot of attention. We thought that was a must disease that we wanted to pursue for humanitarian reasons as well as the attention it would get from the investing world. The third disease we picked was Alzheimer’s disease. We picked Alzheimer’s disease because my father and his brother both died with Alzheimer’s disease. It is such a debilitating disease that afflicts so many people in this world, and we just decided that was a highly visible disease with a lot of attention with no effective cure today. Because of the widespread nature of this heretofore incurable disease, we knew that our involvement would be well received by the investing public. We wanted to inject our technology to bring relief to this cruel disease afflicting so many of our senior citizens as well as the reports that those previously suffering from TBI are up to four times more likely to contract Alzheimer’s Disease and other neurological diseases.
CEOCFO: You announced funding today. How is it targeted? Mr. Hartman: We did receive a large commitment for funding, and we salute our partner, Kodiak Capital. Beyond that, we are going to need a lot more financial support. That is why we are approaching the large sporting organizations with our technology. Our attractiveness to the large sporting organizations is that we have been successful in the laboratory in isolating and eliminating the molecular compounds believed to be responsible for a TBI/CTE. This is a huge development for us. Obviously, we have to proceed to animal testing and ultimately clinical testing of human patients. The danger of sports participation is really much greater than originally estimated by society, and therefore, the reason that there is so much pressure today to find an effective cure. We believe that our technology and experimentation will be proven to be an effective cure for this problem
CEOCFO: When you are speaking either with someone in the medical community or investment community, people certainly are growing to recognize some of the problems. However, how do you overcome the initial skepticism that Premier can make a difference? Mr. Hartman: The large sports organizations, to their credit, are really recognizing the problem as never before. We participated in a conference on TBI at the United Nations building during the week preceding the Super Bowl. I think the media, both television and printed media, are beginning to educate the public on how severe this problem is and has been for a long time. I think that overall knowledge in itself is driving this stimuli for a cure. Because we at Premier Biomedical have recognized this probably longer than the general public, I think we are ideally poised to capitalize with our technology in finding an objective and accurate test for TBI as well as a potential cure.
CEOCFO: How do you deal with the frustration in getting the process moving?
Mr. Hartman:
First of all,
my job is not a five-days-a-week, eight-hours-a-day job. My typical workday
is about 18 hours, and it is seven days a week. As you said, it is very
frustrating because, we have been trying to raise money for some time. We
should be able to spend more time on the technical aspects, but necessity
has turned some of our focus to raising money. The general public, investing
public and scientific community are becoming more and more aware of just how
severe these health problems are. With breast cancer, there are football
games where all the players wear pink ribbons. NASCAR events have pink
ribbon day in honoring breast cancer research. Those that are so afflicted
with breast cancer and their families have for years been attempting to find
hope, and here we are with potentially what could be the best cure in the
world for breast cancer, and least invasive. It is frustrating, but we have
been helped by media, and our scientific discoveries have been well
publicized via press releases and articles such as this. I thank you for the
opportunity to bring our technology to the investing public. I challenge you
to visit us periodically so that we can continue to keep the investing
public up to date with our rapidly developing technology to cure diseases to
the betterment of mankind now and in the future. My hope is that my two
granddaughters aged eight and eleven will inherit a healthier world because
of the efforts of Premier Biomedical, Inc. |
Drug Development Stock, Premier Biomedical, Inc., OTCBB-BIEF, Healthcare, CEO Interviews 2014, Developing Cures for Debilitating Illnesses, personalized medicine, Recent CEO Interviews, Drug Development Companies, medications, medical procedures to develop cures for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Clinical Depression, Alzheimer’s Disease, Blood Sepsis, Atherosclerosis and Cancer, extra-corporeal treatments for cancer, completely outside of the body, with our extra-corporeal process there is considerably less danger of drug-bodily interaction we remove the pathophysiologic basis of the disease by intermolecular interaction completed outside of the body, we extract the molecular compounds that are the life force of the disease and we do that outside the body, then put the bodily fluid, blood for blood borne diseases or cerebral spinal fluid for neurologic diseases, back into the patient’s body minus the molecular compounds that were the life force of the disease, Premier Biomedical, Inc. stock, BIEF stock quote, Premier Biomedical Press Release, News |
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