Premier Biomedical, Inc.

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November 12, 2012 Issue

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Premier Biomedical, Inc. is developing Medical Technology that will Revolutionize Medicine by “Physically Removing the Pathophysiologic Basis of the Disease” and has already shown that they Can Kill Cancer Tissue within 24 Hours in a Test Tube

About Premier Biomedical, Inc.
Premier Biomedical, Inc. is a research-based company that has licensed the technology behind multiple provisional patents in the United States and a PCT Europe National Patent in the areas Cancer, Blood Sepsis, and Multiple Sclerosis. Founded in 2010, Premier is headquartered in Florida, with offices in Pennsylvania.

William Hartman

William A. Hartman is our President and Chief Executive Officer and a member of our Board of Directors. From March 2008 until June 2010, Mr. Hartman was planning the formation of Premier Biomedical, Inc.  From October 2006 to March 2008, Mr. Hartman was the Chief Operating Officer of Nanologix, Inc. From July 1991 to July 2000, Mr. Hartman was a Director at TRW Automotive. From 1984 to 1991, Mr. Hartman was Chief Engineer at TRW Automotive and from 1979 to 1984, he was Division Quality Compliance Manager at Ford Motor Company. At TRW Automotive, Mr. Hartman was one of the auto industry pioneers of the concept of grouping related components into systems and modules and shipping just-in-time to the vehicle assembly plants.  He founded and headed a separate business group within TRW Automotive with plants in the U.S., Mexico and Europe with combined annual sales of $1.3 Billion. Academic credentials include a BSME degree from Youngstown State University and a MSIA degree (Industrial Administration/Management) from the University of Michigan.

Premier Biomedical, Inc.

10805 Fallen Leaf Ln.

Port Richey, Fl. 34668 
(814) 786-8849


Interview conducted by: Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor, CEOCFO Magazine, Published – November 12, 2012


CEOCFO: Mr. Hartman, what is the focus at Premier Biomedical?

Mr. Hartman: Premier Biomedical is developing medical technology. My co-founder and the technical genius behind our technology is Dr Mitchell S. Felder, who is currently on assignment with the United States Army at the William Beaumont Army Medical Center at Fort Bliss in El Paso Texas. His doctrine, which is his trademark, is that we “Physically remove the pathophysiologic basis of the disease.” Most other medical technologies and methodologies today use medications to block and/or inhibit the pathophysiologic basis of the disease. The primary differential is that we physically remove the pathophysiologic basis of the disease. For example, as indicated in our most recent press release, we are in the relatively early stages of the development of this technology.  We are partnered with the University of Texas in El Paso or UTEP. We have successfully taken cancer tissue in a test tube and by physically removing the pathophysiologic basis of cancer in a number of repeated experiments; we have been able to kill the cancer tissue within 24 hours without the addition or application of any medication or other outside procedures. This is huge news!


CEOCFO: What are you doing scientifically that is allowing this to occur?

Mr. Hartman: In our website,, you can see that we have targeted some 19 diseases. Medical books list the pathophysiologic basis of virtually every disease. It may be a protein, an enzyme or a cytokine. These are very, minute particles that are picogram sized. Picogram literally means a trillionth of a gram. Just to put this in perspective, if you were to write down the number one and behind it write gram, and in front of that number one insert eleven zeroes and then a decimal point in front of that, that is how tiny a picogram is. That is one times 10 to the minus 12. The problem that researchers have had in accomplishing removal of these minute particles is how do they remove something of that minute size from blood without removing red and white blood cells or the ‘good stuff’ that is in the body fluid? You cannot just use a minute filter because it would filter out the good stuff along with the ‘bad stuff’. Our technology is applied to blood and also to cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) for diseases of the nervous system. Those CSF-related diseases include MS, Lou Gehrig’s disease Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, etc. Most of these diseases, heretofore, had been largely incurable. This is where our patent-pending technology comes in. We have some 18 pending patents that indicate how we are effectively removing these tiny particles without affecting anything else. Just to establish a timeframe, in laboratory experiments at UTEP, we have been successful in identifying particles of this size in a heterogeneous mixture of particles of this size. In real time, we can measure the target particles and the non-target particles, remove the one and keep the others stable. The total timeframe in order to accomplish this has been shown to be less than 10 minutes. This is a procedure that is very ‘doable’ in a hospital or doctor’s office environment. We are attempting to develop the technology to remove those disease-causing particles. This treatment would only take a matter of short duration compatible with an office procedure. This is ‘breakthrough’ news. In the case of the laboratory experiment that we have already done in a test tube, we killed cancer within 24 hours. This is phenomenal news! Our next progression is to accomplish this in laboratory mice and / or experimental animals. And then, assuming there is success, we would then move into clinical studies on patients sometime in the future.


CEOCFO: Are you able to tell me what you are actually doing to achieve the desired result?

Mr. Hartman: No, I cannot, simply because of the proprietary nature of the technology. We work on body fluids; whether it involves blood-borne diseases and / or cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)-borne diseases. We are attempting to develop procedures that are intended to physically remove the pathophysiologic basis of the disease. These are molecular compounds that we plan to eliminate and, then merely insert the patients’ fluids back into their body and send the patient on their way.


CEOCFO: Is the medical community aware yet?

Mr. Hartman: We have a letter of intent from the Department of Defense to join us in the program. It could be implemented in the next few weeks. The reason that this is so incredibly important to us is that it strengthens our overall program capabilities. Smaller companies like us can make claims, but the claims with UTEP and the Department of Defense as partners have a degree of greater credibility.


CEOCFO: Are there particular applications that you would be working on first in the early trials, or is it the base technology?

Mr. Hartman: We are attempting to apply this technology to specific diseases. One is cancer, which is very difficult because of the complexity of cancer. However, we have decided to pursue cancer simply because it would get so much attention and help us in fundraising. Simultaneously, we have also decided to pursue Alzheimer’s disease, traumatic brain injury and atherosclerosis. These are all high visibility diseases and would include heart attack and stroke. Let us put this in perspective. In 2010, this country spent an estimated $2.3 trillion dollars on health care. We believe that the diseases that we have targeted with our technology, plus others that are on our website; address about $2.0 trillion of that annual expenditure for health care. I say this with all due seriousness. This literally could revolutionize medicine. If our development program is successful, there would no longer be a need for external procedures that attempt to block the pathophysiologic basis of these diseases. Our procedure would just physically remove them. We are attempting to develop the ability to see these diseases physically cured through the application of this technology. Today, when patients have applied procedures that are currently available, there are many potential side effects. Watch many commercials on television where viewers may see ‘this medication’ or ‘this procedure’; the potential side effects are terrible. Viewers may also see, “1-800-Bad-Drug”. If our development program is successful, there would be none of that. This pending development could revolutionize major aspects of medicine.


CEOCFO: How far can Premier Biomedical go with your current funding?

Mr. Hartman: Right now, we are in the process of having discussions with various sources to assist us in funding. Obviously, there are grants available, but grants tend to take a long time. We have talked to some private investment firms; however, it is very difficult to come up with acceptable funding terms. I am being extremely careful to match our needs versus our wants. What would be very advantageous to us at this point of our corporate development would be to have a source come forward to help fund us because they believe in our technology.


One example is illustrated by Alzheimer’s disease. It has been estimated that by the age of 85, some 45 to 50 percent of the population has Alzheimer’s in one stage of development or another. We know of some very high ranking political individuals and highly visible persons in the entertainment world and sports figures that have developed Alzheimer’s disease at a relatively young age. For example, Ronald Reagan, Charlton Heston and Glen Campbell, if interested parties were able to help fund us, we just might be able to fully implement and develop a cure for that disease among others.


CEOCFO: How do you get people to believe that it is really possible?

Mr. Hartman: We just issued a press release about killing cancer in a test tube at UTEP. Number one, we partnered with a very credible source in UTEP. Number two, we targeted the Department of Defense. If you look in history at the medical developments that this country has inspired and brought forth, many of them have been brought forth by the military. Therefore, our credibility is being supplied by the partnerships we have formed and by the capabilities of our co-development partners.


I am from the automobile industry. I was an executive with TRW Automotive and retired and moved from Michigan to Pennsylvania. How I morphed into the biomedical industry occurred because my wife has a very, rare and heretofore undefined, undiagnosed, and untreated neurologic illness and had been in a wheel chair for five tears. She was continuing to get worse, and no one could diagnose her illness. Out of desperation, I opened the phone book and blindly selected a physician in Sharon, Pennsylvania and it happened to be Dr. Felder. After diagnosis and treatment by Dr. Felder, she was able to get out of the wheel chair and was able to lead a normal healthy life.


Dr. Felder and I worked together for a couple of years and subsequently formed Premier Biomedical, Inc. centered around a number of exciting provisional patent applications he had filed. He is a genius in the medical field, and we had an agreement that he would focus on the medical aspects and I would focus on the business of the Corporation. We have also recruited a number of people on our Board of Directors mostly from my former associates in the auto industry. We have a very knowledgeable and compatible Board of Directors and have been in business since 2010. We have been publicly traded since May, 2012. We are extremely excited about the incredible progress that we have made in a very short period of time. We are extremely excited to be in this health care development business.


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This literally could revolutionize medicine. If our development program is successful, there would no longer be a need for external procedures that attempt to block the pathophysiologic basis of these diseases. Our procedure would just physically remove them. We are attempting to develop the ability to see these diseases physically cured through the application of this technology. Today, when patients have applied procedures that are currently available, there are many potential side effects. Watch many commercials on television where viewers may see ‘this medication’ or ‘this procedure’; the potential side effects are terrible. Viewers may also see, “1-800-Bad-Drug”. If our development program is successful, there would be none of that. This pending development could revolutionize major aspects of medicine. - William Hartman


Medical Technology Company, Premier Biomedical, Inc., CEO Interviews 2012, Physically Removing the Pathophysiologic Basis of Cancer, Blood Sepsis, and Multiple Sclerosis, Recent CEO Interviews, Medical Technology Stock, Healthcare Stocks, kill the cancer tissue within 24 hours without the addition or application of any medication, Premier Biomedical, Inc. Press Releases, News, Companies looking for venture capital, Angel Investors, private companies looking for investors, healthcare companies seeking investors, medical technology companies needing investment capital does not purchase or make
recommendation on stocks based on the interviews published.