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Developing Resources Management Technologies that Protect the Environment, Sustainable Environmental Technologies Corporation (SET Corp) is Bringing to Market their Centerline SWD™ Technology for Cleaning Saltwater from the Oil and Gas Industry, DnyIX Technology for Cleaning Water from Coal Bed Methane Producers and MultiGen that Creates Water from the Atmosphere

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Company Profile:

Sustainable Environmental Technologies Corporation (SET Corp) is dedicated to responsible resource utilization through the strategic balance of environmental, societal and economic growth. It focuses on advanced research and development for strategic acquisitions of both technology and synergistic partners that benefit shareholders, the longevity of our planet and future generations through the protection and refinement of our most valuable resources.

With strategic partnerships through prominent global manufacturers and distributors, SET Corp has access to a worldwide distribution network. Its management team has the experience and expertise to develop and bring its innovative technology to market.

Key facts:

- Full service environmental water and wastewater treatment engineering and construction company headquartered in Southern California.

- Services include water and wastewater engineering, construction and construction management, start-up, operation and maintenance services, and equipment manufacturing.

- Engineering and construction services are provided to industrial and municipal sectors in the areas of: water treatment and distribution, wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal/reclamation.

- Multi-disciplinary staff includes professional and licensed engineers and scientists with extensive experience in current engineering, environmental, and construction technologies.

On September 25, 2009, the Board of Directors elected Bob Glaser to be Executive Director of the company after serving as the Company’s VP of Operations since 2008. Mr. Glaser has overseen the turnaround of the Company from a deficit to net profits of $2.25 million in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012. Mr. Glaser worked directly with the management of SET Corps subsidiary, ProWater™ to redesign and upgrade the Company’s Blue Bench saltwater disposal well (SWD) that turned the company to profitability. ProWater™ is currently in the process of completing construction on additional SWD’s in the booming Bakken Shale region, and are projecting increased profitability as the SWD’s comes on line.

Mr. Glaser served for more than 25 years as President of an American based manufacturing company Artisan Inc. that produced decorated containers for the personal care and cosmetic industry. Utilizing Six Sigma philosophies of continuous improvement, he has received numerous awards for excellence and innovation. Mr. Glaser has an extensive background in engineering and has been recognized for achievements in strategic management, while receiving three President Awards and ranking in the top 5% of industry CEOs.


Interview conducted by: Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor, CEOCFO Magazine, Published – August 13, 2012


CEOCFO: Mr. Glaser, what is the vision at SET Corp?

Mr. Glaser: Our long-term vision is to be involved with processing and cleaning of water in an effort to preserve it for future generations. This is the basis of our company. We took that vision, developed and expanded some new technologies and continue to build on that foundation. We have patents in multiple sectors of water processing and our goal is to be profitable while protecting the environment.

CEOCFO: Would you tell us about your technologies?

Mr. Glaser: We have three core technologies. Our Centerline SWD™ technology is a new process for disposing of saltwater from the oil and gas industry. In this process we receive produced water from oil and gas wells, clean it to a point where it can be returned to the oil field for reuse in fracking or water flooding operations. We extract residual oil from the water and sell it as a revenue stream. If we cannot send water back to the oil field for additional use, it is injected back into the earth. Our second technology is the DynIX technology, a patented ion exchange process that cleans produced water from Coal Bed Methane (CBM) producers. This is an extremely efficient way of cleaning the water and minimizing the operating cost to the CBM producer. Our third technology is MultiGen, a modular system that takes any type of gas and creates 65kW of electricity, air conditioning, and produces 2,000 liters of water from the atmosphere. In addition to producing water, MultiGen can cut energy costs in half and reduce carbon by approximately 400 tons per year. The first MultiGen is launching currently in Australia, which is exciting, because the Australians are very green and the government is demanding that buildings conform to new local energy efficiency rules and regulations. We expect MultiGen to qualify for the five-star level necessary to comply with the new Australian government regulation.

CEOCFO: On your technologies, what is it that you are doing differently and how does it compare with what is available?

Mr. Glaser: Our Centerline SWD™ saltwater disposal system’s major differentiators are in how we look at and protect the environment and our end-to-end automation. We drill our wells and never rehabilitate old abandoned wells. By starting with a brand new well, we can ensure that the casing integrity, the cementing, and all of the drilling processes are completed to our exacting standards. There are over seven levels of protection between our system and the shallow water aquifers. We constantly monitor these and the system automatically shuts down completely if any abnormalities detected. Secondly, we have a patented process by which we clean and separate residual oil from water while maximizing the production. There is typically about one-half percent of oil in the water when it comes to us from the oil field and that creates an additional revenue stream. The third step is the final filtration process with chemical treatment so it can be returned for fracking purposes or hydraulic stimulation, which entices more oil out of the well. The last part of our process is to inject the residual water. We recently collaborated with GE and we are using some of their technology to maximize our Centerline SWD™ System. This includes their Surface Pumping System ® (SPS)to efficiently inject water back into the earth.


We believe ProWater’s™ Centerline SWD™ automation system is posed to become a key component that is critical to the Bakken and other shale formation areas. Currently there are many oil and gas wells in the Bakken and with the boom continuing up there, labor is difficult to get and retain. This automated system can run unmanned at each site with one operator managing multiple locations remotely. The modular systems are fabricated in temperature-controlled environments and they are dropped in place with minimal installation done at the location, allowing us to build them year round. The automated billing system eliminates the paperwork nightmare currently used in the industry. ProWater™ is the only SWD provider that is currently doing all logs, tickets, reports and expenses digitally. This decreases the time spent for oil producers, water trucking companies and our team, increases accuracy and enables reports and billing to be sent to the customers electronically every night.

CEOCFO: What is different about the actual process on the ground?

Mr. Glaser: Unlike many of the salt water disposal well operators out there that are looking to do the minimum to dispose of produced water as quickly and cheaply as possible, without regard to the long-term environmental consequence, SET Corp takes a much more conscientious approach that includes protection and responsible stewardship of our valuable natural resources. Our key differentiator is that through ProWater™ we have developed patentable technology and created an end-to-end solution to handle produced water in a more efficient, environmentally responsible manner than our competitors. Maintaining the integrity of our water resources is a priority so we designed a complete automated system to monitor the wells and the integrity of the whole process. The system has redundancies to handle corrections of minor problems and outages. In the event of major problems, it is designed to shut down production automatically to protect the environment. Much of our difference is how we look at the environment; we try to respect it, and the people that live there are protected by our equipment and procedures. We are in business to be profitable, but your family and my family drinks this water, so our number one goal is to protect that water. Secondly, we minimize the amount of fresh water actually used for processing oil and maximize the recirculation of these waters. We believe ProWater™ is the only company that is cleaning the water and offering it for reuse to the oil field for other purposes. We focus on recycling and reusing as much as possible to minimize impact on the environment.

CEOCFO: How does the cost compare to other methods?

Mr. Glaser: Our automation allows us to operate very efficiently and provide these added safety and environmentally responsible benefits at no additional cost to the customer. Our price per barrel is in line with that of competitors down the street.

CEOCFO: On your other two technologies, what is the comparison?

Mr. Glaser: The DynIX™ system reduces facility operating cost in comparison to competitors. In our patented DynIX™ technology, the biggest advantage is how we recirculate the acid used in the regeneration of the resin itself. During the ion exchange process, resin beads attract the ions as you are cleaning the water. The resin beads swell up and, at the end of the process, the beads are regenerated with acid. The patented technology maximizes use of the acid. The reduction in acid consumption, which is one of the biggest expenses in processing ion exchange, is now a benefit to the customer.


The MultiGen system creates electricity with a byproduct of air conditioning and water. In addition to creating 65kW of electricity at about half the cost of grid energy and reducing your carbon footprint by 400 tons per year, you can get heat or air conditioning and 2,000 liters of water per day at no additional charge. The system monitors and maximizes the relationship between dew point and the ambient air temperature to maximize water production. It produces water with hot air in the winter and with cold air in the summer. The hot and or cold air generated in the process is then available for additional heating or cooling use.


Currently, the first MultiGen is being installed in Australia, where it provides multiple benefits. The Queensland government is mandating new technologies to force building owners to bring their buildings up to a 4½ star rating or better. The MultiGen will do this at a much lower cost than other currently available retrofits. In addition to half price electricity, you get the free water and AC. In Australia, they have been in a drought for about 40 years. In most of Queensland, you are not allowed to use municipal water to water your landscape. Facilities often install expensive cisterns and rainwater collection systems to have water for landscape irrigation. The benefit of our system is that it can produce electricity at half of the cost of the grid, enabling customers to utilize the carbon savings for the government’s Cap and Trade program, and get air conditioning to run your mechanical room. Additionally, the 2000 liters of water produced daily is available for irrigation. As electricity costs soar and water becomes scarcer, the more valuable these technologies become. SET Corp is about creating innovative technologies that manage valuable resources more efficiently, affordably and sustainably.

CEOCFO: How is business these days?

Mr. Glaser: Business is great. Our Salt Water Disposal in Utah has been the key to our financial stability. This plant was the basis for our Centerline SWD™ System and has moved the company to profitability. We have utilized the lessons from Utah to create a system that will become the bar that others will be measured against. ProWater’s new well CL11-2 in Cartwright, ND is complete and the modular pumping system is being shipped in a couple weeks to the site. The foundations and tanks are currently being set and we anticipate well CL11-2 to be in operation in the next 90 days. Our ultimate goal is to be able to build a complete facility in a 90-day period. After the next couple of facilities, we are confident that we can achieve that goal. We have had many inquires about partnering or licensing these new systems to E&P companies where we build them and operate them as a joint venture.


Our first MultiGen is being installed in a government school in Australia. The government of Queensland has bought and installed this first MultiGen unit in a facility where it can test and monitor the output. The technical school where it was installed was so thrilled that they have given us commitments for additional units and they plan to teach a class about our technology. We are excited about the MultiGen in Australia and looking forward to seeing the positive results of this installation and our marketing efforts there that have attracted many new customers.

CEOCFO: Why should investors pay attention to Sustainable Environmental Technologies today?

Mr. Glaser: We set very defined goals and timelines and have been achieving each of them. We built a project to completion, brought the company to profitability and improved our technology and processes along the way. We’ve raised the bar with systems like Centerline SWD™ and MultiGen, creating products that are unmatched for their innovative management of resources, efficiency and affordability. Our successes have opened the door to many new and lucrative opportunities and partnerships with our technologies and we are looking forward to sharing details in the near future. We have excellent revenue streams and profit margins from our technologies and they are infinitely scalable.


Customers seek companies that are innovative, leading edge, have great customer service, reasonable prices, and are always improving the process. This is why we have always gone the extra mile. My business partner Keith Morlock and I come from manufacturing backgrounds. We look at everything from a totally different perspective. We are always asking: How can we be environmentally sound, produce faster, get the trucks in and out quicker, and do great customer service? We are applying our manufacturing background to create products just a little bit better than the rest. Our process of continuous improvement separates us from the rest.


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Environmental Services

Sustainable Environmental Technologies Corporation
2345 West Foothill Boulevard, Suite 12
Upland, CA 91786
Phone: 801-810-9888

SETS-Print Version


Environmental Stock, Sustainable Environmental Technologies Corporation (OTCQB: SETS)CEO Interviews 2012, Environmental Services, Centerline SWD Technology for Cleaning Saltwater from the Oil and Gas Industry, DnylX Technology for Cleaning Water Coal Bed Methane Producers, MultiGen that Creates Water from the Atmosphere, Recent CEO Interviews, Technology Stocks, Resources Management Technologies that Protect the Environment, creating water from the atmosphere, cleaning water from coal bed methane producers, cleaning saltwater from the oil and gas industry, full service environmental water and wastewater treatment engineering and construction company, Sustainable Environmental Technologies Corporation stock, SETS stock quote, Sustainable Environmental Technologies Press Releases, News


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SET Corp is about creating innovative technologies that manage valuable resources more efficiently, affordably and sustainably… We set very defined goals and timelines and have been achieving each of them. We built a project to completion, brought the company to profitability and improved our technology and processes along the way. We’ve raised the bar with systems like Centerline SWD™ and MultiGen, creating products that are unmatched for their innovative management of resources, efficiency and affordability. - Robert Glaser

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